Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Coronavirus: Scaled back Hajj pilgrimage due to start in Saudi Arabia

Only a very limited number of Muslims living in the kingdom will be able to make the Hajj this year.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/3f7LHEi

Coronavirus: Hong Kong implements strict measures amid new cases

Dining in restaurants will be banned and only two people from different households can meet.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/332fFH9

Coronavirus on campus: 'We already lost prom and graduation...'

The BBC spoke to three students about the uncertainty of schools reopening in the age of Covid-19.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/39Ev5mu

Spain quarantine rules: The businesses fearing for their futures

Spain's struggling tourist businesses say the UK's new quarantine rules may drive them off the edge.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/2Dgw000

Pre-colonial communities’ history of gender fluidity

The BBC spoke to three people from cultures that have a long history of gender fluidity.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/3hOmxfF

Monday, July 27, 2020

Corrections: July 28, 2020

By Unknown Author from NYT Corrections https://ift.tt/32Z9nYP

Quotation of the Day: Female Guard Is Latest Target of Taliban Violence

By Unknown Author from NYT Today’s Paper https://ift.tt/32Yla9W



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