Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Ukraine tensions: Putin accuses US of using Ukraine as tool against Russia

Russia's president makes a stinging attack on the US and Nato as tension continues over Ukraine.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/RwnC94Lrs

Syria war: Babies die from cold in storm-hit Idlib camps

Hundreds of thousands of displaced people are living in tents without warm clothes and heating.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/9qjuYRPlm

Ukraine: We're defending ourselves - Volodymyr Zelensky

The President of Ukraine says there would be 'high risk for anyone' who tries to occupy their territory.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/1xG4JWcmj

Monday, January 31, 2022

Teenage Inmates Found Among the 500 Dead in Syria Prison Attack

By BY JANE ARRAF AND SANGAR KHALEEL from NYT World https://ift.tt/MJdNf03Vs

Joe Rogan: Four claims from his Spotify podcast fact-checked

The US broadcaster has been criticised for helping spread misinformation - we look at some of his claims.

from BBC News - World https://ift.tt/FZnEKHLBG

The maker of Hubble contact lenses will pay $3.5 million in F.T.C. settlement.

By BY SAPNA MAHESHWARI from NYT Business https://ift.tt/GPCDpE6Qw

At the ‘Logistics Games,’ Just Arriving Is a Victory

By BY ANDREW KEH from NYT Sports https://ift.tt/P5k2FLYUT



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